The Antivirus Hacker's Handbook
JOXEAN KORET is a security researcher at Coseinc, a Singapore-based security services firm. He is an in-demand speaker at international security conferences, and a well-regarded specialist in reverse-engineering, vulnerability research, and malware analysis.
ELIAS BACHAALANY is a computer programmer, reverse engineer, and technical writer employed by Microsoft. An authority in multiple programming languages, database design, and web development, he played an instrumental role in the IDAPython project and IDA Pro's scripting facilities development.
-الكتاب يتناول بشكل مفصل الاليات التي تستخدمها برامج الحمايه وكيفيه دراستها وتحليلها
-كما انه يتناول اليات تخطي تقنيات برامج الحمايه
-كما يستعرض هجوم برامج الحمايه من خلال الثغرات
-الكتاب رائع لكل مهتم بمجال برامج الحمايه واليات تخطيها
فهرس الكتاب
Part I Antivirus Basics 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Antivirus Software 3
What Is Antivirus Software? 3
Antivirus Software: Past and Present 4
Antivirus Scanners, Kernels, and Products 5
Typical Misconceptions about Antivirus Software 6
Antivirus Features 7
Basic Features 7
Making Use of Native Languages 7
Scanners 8
Signatures 8
Compressors and Archives 9
Unpackers 10
Emulators 10
Miscellaneous File Formats 11
Advanced Features 11
Packet Filters and Firewalls 11
Self-Protection 12
Anti-Exploiting 12
Summary 13
Chapter 2 Reverse-Engineering the Core 15
Reverse-Engineering Tools 15
Command-Line Tools versus GUI Tools 16
Debugging Symbols 17
Tricks for Retrieving Debugging Symbols 17
Debugging Tricks 20
Backdoors and Configuration Settings 21
Kernel Debugging 23
Debugging User-Mode Processes with a Kernel-Mode Debugger 25
Analyzing AV Software with Command-Line Tools 27
Porting the Core 28
A Practical Example: Writing Basic Python Bindings for Avast for Linux 29
A Brief Look at Avast for Linux 29
Writing Simple Python Bindings for Avast for Linux 32
The Final Version of the Python Bindings 37
A Practical Example: Writing Native C/C++ Tools for Comodo Antivirus for Linux 37
Other Components Loaded by the Kernel 55
Summary 56
Chapter 3 The Plug-ins System 57
Understanding How Plug-ins Are Loaded 58
A Full-Featured Linker in Antivirus Software 58
Understanding Dynamic Loading 59
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Approaches for Packaging Plug-ins 60
Types of Plug-ins 62
Scanners and Generic Routines 63
File Format and Protocol Support 64
Heuristics 65
Bayesian Networks 66
Bloom Filters 67
Weights-Based Heuristics 68
Some Advanced Plug-ins 69
Memory Scanners 69
Non-native Code 70
Scripting Languages 72
Emulators 73
Summary 74
Chapter 4 Understanding Antivirus Signatures 77
Typical Signatures 77
Byte-Streams 78
Checksums 78
Custom Checksums 79
Cryptographic Hashes 80
Advanced Signatures 80
Fuzzy Hashing 81
Graph-Based Hashes for Executable Files 83
Summary 85
Chapter 5 The Update System 87
Understanding the Update Protocols 88
Support for SSL/TLS 89
Verifying the Update Files 91
Dissecting an Update Protocol 92
When Protection Is Done Wrong 100
Summary 101
Part II Antivirus Software Evasion 103
Chapter 6 Antivirus Software Evasion 105
Who Uses Antivirus Evasion Techniques? 106
Discovering Where and How Malware Is Detected 107
Old Tricks for Determining Where Malware Is Detected: Divide and Conquer 107
Evading a Simple Signature-Based Detection with the Divide and Conquer Trick 108
Binary Instrumentation and Taint Analysis 113
Summary 114
Chapter 7 Evading Signatures 117
File Formats: Corner Cases and Undocumented Cases 118
Evading a Real Signature 118
Evasion Tips and Tricks for Specific File Formats 124
PE Files 124
JavaScript 126
String Encoding 127
Executing Code on the Fly 128
Hiding the Logic: Opaque Predicates and Junk Code 128
PDF 129
Summary 131
Chapter 8 Evading Scanners 133
Generic Evasion Tips and Tricks 133
Fingerprinting Emulators 134
Advanced Evasion Tricks 136
Taking Advantage of File Format Weaknesses 136
Using Anti-emulation Techniques 137
Using Anti-disassembling Techniques 142
Disrupting Code Analyzers through Anti-analysis 144
More Anti-Anti-Anti… 147
Causing File Format Confusion 148
Automating Evasion of Scanners 148
Initial Steps 149
Installing ClamAV 150
Installing Avast 150
Installing AVG 151
Installing F-Prot 152
Installing Comodo 153
Installing Zoner Antivirus 154
MultiAV Configuration 154
peCloak 158
Writing the Final Tool 160
Summary 162
Chapter 9 Evading Heuristic Engines 165
Heuristic Engine Types 165
Static Heuristic Engines 166
Bypassing a Simplistic Static Heuristic Engine 166
Dynamic Heuristic Engines 173
Userland Hooks 173
Bypassing a Userland HIPS 176
Kernel-Land Hooks 178
Summary 180
Chapter 10 Identifying the Attack Surface 183
Understanding the Local Attack Surface 185
Finding Weaknesses in File and Directory Privileges 185
Escalation of Privileges 186
Incorrect Privileges in Files and Folders 186
Incorrect Access Control Lists 187
Kernel-Level Vulnerabilities 187
Exotic Bugs 188
Exploiting SUID and SGID Binaries on Unix-Based Platforms 189
ASLR and DEP Status for Programs and Binaries 190
Exploiting Incorrect Privileges on Windows Objects 193
Exploiting Logical Flaws 196
Understanding the Remote Attack Surface 197
File Parsers 198
Generic Detection and File Disinfection Code 199
Network Services, Administration Panels, and Consoles 199
Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Their Parsers 200
Update Services 201
Browser Plug-ins 201
Security Enhanced Software 202
Summary 203
Chapter 11 Denial of Service 207
Local Denial-of-Service Attacks 208
Compression Bombs 208
Creating a Simple Compression Bomb 209
Bugs in File Format Parsers 212
Attacks against Kernel Drivers 213
Remote Denial-of-Service Attacks 214
Compression Bombs 214
Bugs in File Format Parsers 215
Summary 215
Part III Analysis and Exploitation 217
Chapter 12 Static Analysis 219
Performing a Manual Binary Audit 219
File Format Parsers 220
Remote Services 228
Summary 233
Chapter 13 Dynamic Analysis 235
Fuzzing 235
What Is a Fuzzer? 236
Simple Fuzzing 237
Automating Fuzzing of Antivirus Products 239
Using Command-Line Tools 240
Porting Antivirus Kernels to Unix 243
Fuzzing with Wine 244
Problems, Problems, and More Problems 247
Finding Good Templates 248
Finding Template Files 250
Maximizing Code Coverage 252
Blind Code Coverage Fuzzer 253
Using Blind Code Coverage Fuzzer 254
Nightmare, the Fuzzing Suite 259
Configuring Nightmare 260
Finding Samples 262
Configuring and Running the Fuzzer 262
Summary 266
Chapter 14 Local Exploitation 269
Exploiting Backdoors and Hidden Features 270
Finding Invalid Privileges, Permissions, and ACLs 274
Searching Kernel-Land for Hidden Features 279
More Logical Kernel Vulnerabilities 285
Summary 295
Chapter 15 Remote Exploitation 297
Implementing Client-Side Exploitation 297
Exploiting Weakness in Sandboxing 297
Exploiting ASLR, DEP, and RWX Pages at Fixed Addresses 298
Writing Complex Payloads 300
Taking Advantage of Emulators 301
Exploiting Archive Files 302
Finding Weaknesses in Intel x86, AMD x86_64, and ARM Emulators 303
Using JavaScript, VBScript, or ActionScript 303
Determining What an Antivirus Supports 304
Launching the Final Payload 306
Exploiting the Update Services 307
Writing an Exploit for an Update Service 308
Server-Side Exploitation 317
Differences between Client-Side and Server-Side Exploitation 317
Exploiting ASLR, DEP, and RWX Pages at Fixed Addresses 318
Summary 318
Part IV Current Trends and Recommendations 321
Chapter 16 Current Trends in Antivirus Protection 323
Matching the Attack Technique with the Target 324
The Diversity of Antivirus Products 324
Zero-Day Bugs 324
Patched Bugs 325
Targeting Home Users 325
Targeting Small to Medium-Sized Companies 326
Targeting Governments and Big Companies 326
The Targets of Governments 327
Summary 328
Chapter 17 Recommendations and the Possible Future 331
Recommendations for Users of Antivirus Products 331
Blind Trust Is a Mistake 332
Isolating Machines Improves Protection 337
Auditing Security Products 338
Recommendations for Antivirus Vendors 338
Engineering Is Different from Security 339
Exploiting Antivirus Software Is Trivial 339
Perform Audits 340
Fuzzing 340
Use Privileges Safely 341
Reduce Dangerous Code in Parsers 342
Improve the Safety of Update Services and Protocols 342
Remove or Disable Old Code 343
Summary 344
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