غير متصل
اخوتى اعضاء وزوار منتديات زيزوم للامن والحمايه اقدم لكم اليوم ويندوز7مخفف وهو من بيئة امبيدد وهو مخفف من المصدر مايكروسوفت اضفت له الحزمه الاولى والتفعيل والخلفيات وكراك التفعيل وتحديثات مارس2017 واللغه العربيه كان مفروض اضافته فى شهر مارس لكن صدور ويندوز10 فى ذلك الشهر نسيت اضافته وهاهو الان بين يديكم تم الرفع على رابط واحد سهل ارجو ان تستفيدوا منه
Ar En Thin Pc Sp1 Update March 2017
هاهى مفعله
البحث عن التحديثات
هاهو تحديث واحد فقط
التحديثات المثبته لشهر مارس2017
الاستهلاك من الهاردسك بعد التحديثات
التبديل بين اللغه العربيه والانجليزيه
نت فريم وورك4.6
التحديثات المضافه لشهر مارس2017
The installation log of UpdatePack 7 / 2008 R2 / 17.3.15
Installation start time - 0:59:45 26.03.2017
Operating system - Windows Embedded Standard SP1 x86
KB917607 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2533552 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3042058 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3177467 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3181988 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3184143 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3210131 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
UpdRoots - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB4012215 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-ActiveX - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-Aux - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-Core - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
Installation finish time - 1:06:01 26.03.2017
The number of installed updates - 12
Total installation time of UpdatePack - 06:16
Operation of the program has been successfully finished
هاش الاسطوانه
CRC32: 4F639381
MD5: DB461CE80E2914630D621EF3D8EE7754
SHA-1: 7C02FB74BC56947D5A269168230BFFFFD197865C
تم الرفع على رابط واحد
Ar En Thin Pc Sp1 Update March 2017 by abomnasar
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