ESET Security
V16.0.24 ( Win7
MultiLanguage Repack
مميزات النسخة باللغة الإنجليزية
2- All products (EAV/EIS/ESSP)
3- Automatic startup file check disabled
4- First Scan disabled
5- Set desktop notifications to 3 sec
6- Set notify about missing updates to "No updates"
7- Live Grid enabled and will not submit statistics or files
8- Excluded sites that TNod use (Exclude will work after activating ESET)
9- Excluded TNod folder
10- Excluded hosts file (Any edit to hosts file Nod32 will delete it!)
11- Excluded SppExtComObjHook.dll file (Used by KMS activators)
12- Excluded Microsoft Toolkit installation folder
13- Malware and Unwanted and Suspicious and Unsafe applications enabled and set to Aggressive
14- Enabled display notification about successful update